Congratulations to our Vice Captains, Jodie and Seamus on their Vice Captains’ Prize Day, Sunday April 9th. Over 100 members took part in the early shotgun start competition and many joined the Lady Vice Captain, Jodie and Vice Captain Seamus, their friends and families for the meal and presentations afterwards. Lady Captain, Elva, and Captain, Thomas, introduced the vice captains and wished them well over the coming years. Captain Thomas Renehan outlined the work that Seamus has done for the club since its inception and particularly since he became a member of the Men’s committee. Lady Captain Elva Leavy wished Jodie the best of luck and also thanked her for her commitment to the ladies’ club. Pictured: Seamus Lanney (Vice Captain) presenting his prize to winner Brendan Greene and Lady Vice Captain Jodie Coughlan presenting her prize to winner Anne Geraghty. (More Pictures in social section)