23rd June, 2020

Out of Bounds
The area to the left of the 4th hole marked by white stakes is out of bounds. Any ball coming to rest inside the white stakes in the mill race channel is deemed out of bounds. Play must resume under the Rules of Golf with a one-shot penalty.
The area to the left of the 10th hole along the newly planted hedge is now out of bounds. This area will be marked by white posts and a white line. In the interest of protecting the new planting, golfers must not enter this area to retrieve golf balls.
Ground Under Repair
The newly seeded area inside the hazard lines either side of the drain running across the 4th, 6th and 11th fairways is temporarily ground under repair. Relief, a club length from the nearest point of relief and not nearer the hole, must be taken in accordance with the Rules of Golf. A ball coming to rest in the drain is considered to be in the hazard and relief can only be taken, with penalty, in accordance with the Rules of Golf.
All bunkers are in play, unless otherwise stated due to abnormal conditions e.g. weather, and the ball must be played as it lies. Members have been issued with personal rakes which they must use in the bunkers until present restrictions are removed.
Water Hazard on 13th Hole
The water hazard on the right-hand side of the 13th hole, which is not visible from the tee box, has now been designated a yellow water hazard. If players agree on the tee box that it is virtually certain that a ball has entered the water hazard, play may continue under a one-stroke penalty. The ball must be dropped in accordance with the Rules of Golf i.e. resume play from a point that keeps the hazard between the ball and the green. If the ball is in the hazard it can be dropped as far back as the player wishes but keeping the hazard between the player and the green (yellow stakes rule) and resume play.
If it is not agreed on the tee box that the ball is virtually certain to be in the hazard then play must continue with a provisional ball. If the original ball cannot be found and identified then the provisional ball becomes the ball in play.
Water Hazard on 18th Hole
It a tee shot enters the water in front of the 18th green or beyond the access bridge directly without touching ground, the next shot must be played under penalty from the point where the ball first crossed the water or retaken from the tee box. If the tee shot enters the water left of the green having touched land players may use the drop zone behind the 18th green if it is not possible to take a penalty drop that is not nearer the hole.
Return of Scorecards & Completion of Round of Golf
It is a local rule of Knightsbrook Golf Club that members who do not return a correctly signed scorecard for competitions entered will automatically not be entitled to receive a point one increase to their handicap. Persistent failure to return a scorecard may also be the subject of disciplinary action. Also members who fail to complete the designated number of holes to be played in a competition will automatically not be entitled to receive a point one increase to their handicap. Members will be entitled to appeal this decision, based on exceptional circumstances only, to the Competition Committee. Appeals must be in writing and can be left in the Golf Shop addressed to the Competition Secretary or can be e-mailed to knightsbrookcompetitions@gmail.com
Members are also reminded that scorecards must be returned for all competitions entered even if the competitions are designated non-qualifiers.

Contact Us

Dublin Road, Co. Meath Clubhouse

Tel: 046 9482102

Contact: Kate, Amanda or Ben

Copyright Knightsbrook Golf Club 2011-2025
All Rights Reserved

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