18th June, 2024

There was a great turnout of members and visitors for President, Jodie Coughlan’s inaugural President’s Prize on Saturday 16th June. The competition was followed by a very enjoyable social afternoon and presentation of prizes. The President thanked Mr Peter Igoe sponsor of the main prizes won by Cathal Sheridan and Jane Molony and was congratulated by the Captain, Leonard Flynn on her appointment as the first lady member to be selected as President to represent the club on behalf of the PLC and the members.

Pictured below are the winners of the Ms Jodie Coughlan, President’s Prize 2024, sponsored by Mr Peter Igoe,  are Jane Molony and Cathal Sheridan.


Sponsor, Peter Igoe with President Jodie Coughlan

Below are members of Jodie’s family who played and attended the event.

Members visitors and prizewinners


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Dublin Road, Co. Meath Clubhouse

Tel: 046 9482102

Contact: Kate, Amanda or Ben

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