6th May, 2020

Members will have received updates, in recent days, from the Captain, Richard Wheeler and from the PLC about the proposed reopening of the golf course on May 18th. The re-opening will be subject to guidelines from the PLC and the various authorities with regard to Covid-19. The GUI is working on details for members, which will have to be adhered to by all. There is controversy about the 5km distance rule which may not have been fully anticipated when the initial euphoria regarding golf course reopenings was first announced. We await developments!
In the meantime, developments on course continue apace. The photos below show how well the course presents and the works on the drains across the 4th, the 6th and the 12th have been upgraded.

Contact Us

Dublin Road, Co. Meath Clubhouse

Tel: 046 9482102

Contact: Kate, Amanda or Ben

Copyright Knightsbrook Golf Club 2011-2025
All Rights Reserved

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