20th September, 2019

The  Junior Golf Season 2019 commenced with its annual Easter Hunt, when 70 junior members signed up for club registration. The Juniors followed the CGI ‘Golf For Life programmes’  under the direction of a six-member strong committee where the focus is on self-taught skills through a variety of games and activities. Emmanual Riblet took charge of the younger junior golf members while Stephen Rayfus worked with the intermediates on an eight-week summer league and skills demonstration session.

The dedicated committee and PGA’s organised junior golf days on Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons with an average of 40 juniors in attendance at each session.  Building on the CGI national golf framework, the juniors have made huge progress in the etiquette and skills of golf and their mindset where the emphasis is on fun in the sport rather than competition. All abilities were catered for and the committee ensured that each junior was proud of their own capability. This season the Golf Sixes Regional Qualifier, where six of juniors, both male and female, competed in Royal Tara.  Although they narrowly missed out on the top spot, they definitely won the category of the best turned out team, thanks to the Men’s Committee’s sponsorship of club team tops.  The committee received high praise for the team’s good manners, sportsmanship, and etiquette on the course, which made Knightsbrook very proud of its junior team.

The high point of the Junior Club’s season is the annual end-of-year fundraiser, which took place on September 14th In her address to the members on the day,  Elva Leavy, the Junior Convenor thanked Mr Gerald Reilly for generously sponsoring the event and for his continued support for the junior club.  She thanked Mr Peter Callaghan from The Stile Shop who provided the junior “goody bags” and for his ongoing sponsorship. She thanked the members, friends and local businesses for all their donations, prizes and support. Finally she expressed her appreciation on behalf of the Junior committee to  Dominic, Kate and Jack in the pro shop, the Knightsbrook management for their support, the amazing greenkeeping staff and the extended Knightsbrook staff all their help. She said that she could not adequately thank the Junior Committee “for their dedication, hard work, commitment, passion and resilience in always keeping Junior Golf and Knightsbrook Junior Golf Members their main priority and focus, for instilling that in our junior members and for bringing the game of golf alive in Knightsbrook through fun, laughter and friendships”.

The Junior Parking Spot is up for raffle again this year, so don’t forget to pick up your lucky €5 ticket in the pro shop.  All proceeds go directly to the Junior Club and the draw will take place at the Christmas Lunch, good luck!!

Pictures from the Annual End-of-Year Fundraiser Presentation and Social

Contact Us

Dublin Road, Co. Meath Clubhouse

Tel: 046 9482102

Contact: Kate, Amanda or Ben

Copyright Knightsbrook Golf Club 2011-2025
All Rights Reserved

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