11th April, 2018

Dear Members,

We have our Men’s Singles Matchplay Qualifiers taking place this Saturday and Sunday. Please read competition rules and conditions.

Total of 63 plus last years winner to qualify, (percentage for each day depending on the number of entries on Saturday & Sunday).
First card to count, (if member plays on Saturday & Sunday, only Saturdays entry will count toward matchplay qualifier).
All qualifiers for match play will have to pay additional €5.
Members must have paid their men’s club subscription (i.e. men’s club levy and GUI affiliation fee) and have arranged payment method with PLC.

Separate voucher competition on Saturday & Sunday.
Singles Stableford
White Tees
Entry to the competition is €5.
Winter Rules apply until further notice.

Club Fourball and Foursome Competitions

Members interested in taking part in this year’s club fourball & foursomes matchplay competitions please note that the entry book for both competitions is now open in the golf shop.

Entry fees for each of the competitions are €5 per person (€10 per pair).
These fees must be paid when you put your name down in the book.
Closing date for entries is Sunday, April 29th.

Contact Us

Dublin Road, Co. Meath Clubhouse

Tel: 046 9482102

Contact: Kate, Amanda or Ben

Copyright Knightsbrook Golf Club 2011-2025
All Rights Reserved

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