Proceeds from The Captains’ Charity at Knightsbrook Golf Club, Trim were presented to The Irish Hospice Foundation on Sunday. The annual members and guests event is played during members’ competition time each year and supported by voluntary subscriptions from the players. Mr Tom Staunton accepted the cheque from Captain Seán Ó Díomasaigh on behalf of the Foundation. In accepting the cheque Mr. Staunton said that the work of the pallitive care nurses is toatlly funded by voluntary contributions and receives no state assistance. “I cannot overstate the value of the work done by the pallitive care nurses for patients and their families. These nurses give dignity to the patient and their loved ones in the last days of the illness and contributions like this one from the members of Knightsbrook are essential to the continuation of this service” he stated. Presenting the cheque on behalf of the Lady Captain Angela Reilly and the members, Captain Seán Ó Díomasaigh thanked the members for their generosity and said that The Irish Hospice Foundation was a very worthy cause in the context of the club. “every member of this club has been touched by the ravages of cancer and it is fitting that we as members support each other in the fight against cancer” .
Seated; Mr Tom Staunton accepting a cheque for €1,000 on behalf of the Irish Hospice Foundation from Captain Seán Ó Díomasaigh
Back row: Mr. Frank Leonard, Vice Captain,Knightsbrook Golf Club, Mr. Michael White, (overall winner) Ms. Mary Higgins Lady Vice Captain Knightsbrook Golf Club (representing Ms. Angela Reilly Lady Captain,Knightsbrook Golf Club. and President Liam McMenamin.