Ray Glennon was presented with the Club Person of the Year by Captain Raymond Murray at the club’s annual Christmas dinner and presentations. The popular member, Ray was cited for his loyalty and commitment to the club as an ordinary member and during his time as a member of the men’s committee over recent years. Ray has also supported the club through a variety of sponsorship initiatives. A huge crowd attended the dinner which was Captain Raymond’s final event of the year. He thanked everyone for their support and wished all a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. The event began with a minute’s silence for all members and their relatives who have passed over the years and particularly for our most recently passed member, Brendan Greene, who was laid to rest the previous day. A book of condolences for Brendan was opened for members at the event. A cheque for €500 was presented to Fr. Paul Crosbie, P.P., Trim, for meals on wheels. The Captain wished incoming captain, Alan Codd a great year in 2023 and Raymond received a standing ovation, a testament to his very successful leadership as captain in 2022.
Other prize winners on the day
Mixed Matchplay runners up with Lady Vice Captain, Marie Gordon.