Christmas Lunch, 9 hole Stableford Competition, Men and ladies, Green Tees.
KnightsbrookChristmas Lunch and 9 hole competition
Christmas Lunch and 9 hole competition
Vice Captains, Leonard Flynn and Mary Higgins hold their competition today.
August Medal Sponsored by Martin and Noel Dempsey
Singles Stableford 18 Hole Competition
Two Person Team Event
PGA Super Sunday is sponsored by Will Murray, Architect, Navan and Honorary Secretary Knightsbrook Golf Club.
18 Singles Stableford Competition
18 Hole Singles Stableford
Lady Captain's Prize Day We wish Lady Captain. Marie a great day.
18 Hole Singles Stableford
18 Holes Singles Stableford Competition
18 Hole Singles Stableford Competition
Dublin Road, Co. Meath Clubhouse
Tel: 046 9482102
Contact: Kate, Amanda or Ben