A cheque for €2500 was handed over to Mairead McMeel, Regional Manager of the Irish Heart Foundaion recently at Knightsbrook Golf Club. The cheque was the proceeds of the inaugural Karl Hatton Classic organised by Knightsbrook Golf Club and Hotel Resort and supported by Knightsbrook Golf Club and many other clubs throughout the county. Karl was an employee of Knightsbrook Golf Club and greatly loved by visitors and members. At the presentation,Liam McMenamin sponsor of the event and former Captain of the Club said “Karl’s untimely death in October 2010 caused widespread shock and sorrow in the community and left a void in the club. This event in his memory we hope will in some small way commemorate the man and help the Irish Heart Foundation in its research into sudden deaths among young people” Karl’s brother Aiden and sister Barbara thanked the club and the sponsor for the thoughtfulness of all those who contributed in any way to the classic. Mairead McMeel thanked everyone involved in the golf classic, sympathised with the Hatton family and said that “donations such as these are the life blood of her organisation especially in these difficult times” and assured the group that the money would be well spent. Pictured: back lto r Jonathan Cusack, Captain Knightsbrook Golf Club, Aiden Hatton, Liam McMenamin and seated ltor: Angela Reilly Lady Captain, Knightsbrook Golf Club, Mairead McMeel and Barbara Hatton.